By Eleanor Oldham

On 3rd-6th June I was lucky enough attend the 81st Annual EAGE Conference & Exhibition in London, with the theme ‘‘Embracing change – creativity for the Future’. With a technical programme in excess of 1,000 presentations, it was a great opportunity to learn about the latest and greatest seismic techniques, as well as to broaden my horizons by finding out about the role of geoscience in the renewable energy sector. The main topic for discussion this year was machine learning, and there were many talks available on the vast exhibition floor to understand how various contractors are exploiting this technique. Merlin Datawise is helping to lead the way on data management value creation from geoscience databases.
The pinnacle of the EAGE Conference is always the evening reception, this year hosted at my favourite London venue: The Natural History Museum. This provided an excellent setting for a reunion with some familiar faces, as well as the opportunity to meet new, fellow geoscientists from around the world.
The EAGE Conference was a highly enjoyable and educational couple of days and I have come away with a lot of exciting new ideas for Merlin’s future. The next EAGE Conference will be in Amsterdam in June 2020 – maybe I will see you there!