Biosteering: What is it, how is it done and why do we use it?

  • Post category:Technical

The use of real-time biostratigraphic data allows the position of the drill bit and drill string to be controlled during drilling. The primary aim of these biosteered horizontal and sub-horizontal wells is to expose the well bore to as much of the reservoir rock as possible and therefore enhance recovery from the potential reservoir.

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Offshore Ireland Project at the Atlantic Ireland 2019 Conference

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The “Integrated Biostratigraphic & Lithostratigraphic Framework of Offshore Ireland” project, which was awarded by the Petroleum Infrastructure Programme (PIP) to a Merlin led consortium in 2016, is currently in its final write up stage. The project received a high profile at the Atlantic Ireland 2019 Conference held in Dublin in late October, where some of the key results were presented in three conference talks.

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Interpretation Pitfalls – The Danger of Believing your Data!

  • Post category:Technical

I don’t know about you but one of the most enjoyable and rewarding aspects of working in geoscience for me is actually in getting it wrong! Where would the fun be if things always turned out just as we predicted? The mantra ‘expect the unexpected’ comes to mind when dealing with sub-surface data. The flexible geoscientist recognises the flaws in their data and uses their geological nous to fill in the gaps and to consider what might be, rather than what the data seems to be showing them. This spectacular example illustrates the point and, through a seismic re-processing exercise, happily delivers the ‘big reveal’. Read on..

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Geology without Borders

  • Post category:Technical

However you say it, the world’s geology does not see political borders the same way us humans do. Rocks are inherently less territorial! At Merlin, we have increasingly recognised the value in transferring knowledge across political boundaries.

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Setting New Standards for Irish Stratigraphy

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Offshore Ireland has recently become a region of significant hydrocarbon exploration interest, sparked by the Atlantic Margin Licensing Rounds in 2011 and 2015, as a result of which, licences were awarded across the Porcupine, Slyne, Rockall and Goban Spur basins. Merlin have been awarded a project to define a standard stratigraphic nomenclature on behalf of the Government of Ireland.

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