Oman opens bid round 2023

  • Post category:News

Oman’s onshore bid round 2023 is now open, offering blocks in northern, central and southern Oman. Merlin’s staff have been working on Omani petroleum systems for over 20 years and continue to be engaged with project work in the Sultanate, so are perfectly placed to support and advise evaluations for bid submissions. For more information on the Omani onshore bid round and how Merlin can help you, continue reading...

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Pressure Plot Basics

  • Post category:Technical

Pressure plots are a useful tool for de-risking column heights in hydrocarbon accumulations as well as for screening top-seal integrity of potential CCUS sites.  But how can you use them to extract the information you need? Continue reading to find out..

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Rock Physics:  Maximise the value of your data

Rock physics analysis can maximise the value of your existing data, allowing you to de-risk amplitude driven prospects and make more informed decisions about future investments.  It can also be used to support the Energy Transition, providing a set of workflows essential for screening and monitoring CCS sites. At its heart, rock physics provides the link between seismic and well log data which opens up a wealth of opportunities. Continue reading to find out more...

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