Royal Holloway Department of Earth Sciences Summer Symposium 2023
Helen Bone attended Royal Holloway's summer symposium a few weeks ago. Continue reading to see her round-up from the day.
Helen Bone attended Royal Holloway's summer symposium a few weeks ago. Continue reading to see her round-up from the day.
Eleanor Oldham will be attending the Geol Soc’s CO2 Storage Efficiency conference on 14-15th September.
The first NSTA (North Sea Transition Authority) infrastructure reporting round of 2023 has recently completed, but as with all things concerning data, there is always more to do! Since 2021, the NSTA have been standardising the way infrastructure is reported to try and mitigate against common problems observed during previous rounds. Continue reading to learn more about these updates and how Merlin can help you navigate the next reporting round..
Last week Merlin's employee owners took part in a new ventures brainstorming day. The variety of the pitches was incredible and highlighted the creativity of the Merlin Team.
Ben Adillah attended the 4th UK CCUS & Hydrogen Decarbonisation Summit, held 21-22nd March 2023 in Leeds. The conference was informative and valuable, with presentations from industry experts, policy makers, financial institutes and academics. Continue reading to learn more about the conference and Ben's take-homes from the event..
Last week, Bill Wilks and David Whitworth attended the UKCCS Research Community (UKCCSRC) Spring Conference, which followed the theme ‘CCS from Geographically Dispersed Industries’. The conference featured a broad range of excellent talks from subsurface geoscience and engineering, through to sourcing and transport logistics, and finally to policy and economic considerations. To learn more about the conference and how Merlin can help you, continue reading..
Between 20th and 22nd March, Louisa Jones and Eleanor Oldham attended the Third EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition. Click to read their take-homes from the event.
On Tuesday 28th and Wednesday 29th March, Bill Wilks and David Whitworth will be attending the UKCCS Research Community's Spring Conference in Cardiff. Continue reading to learn more about the event.
Rock physics analysis can maximise the value of your existing data, allowing you to de-risk amplitude driven prospects and make more informed decisions about future investments. It can also be used to support the Energy Transition, providing a set of workflows essential for screening and monitoring CCS sites. At its heart, rock physics provides the link between seismic and well log data which opens up a wealth of opportunities. Continue reading to find out more...
Last week Merlin travelled to London to the PESGB ‘CCS4G’ (Carbon Capture & Storage for Geoscientists) symposium. Find out our thoughts.
Helen Bone, Ben Adillah and David Whitworth will be attending the CCS4G symposium on 15th December in London.
Following on from our post back in July 2021, a summary of the carbon capture and storage risking and global lessons learned project, which Merlin was involved in, has now been made publicly available.