The importance of a good stratigraphic framework
Good quality subsurface evaluations are based on a robust and consistent stratigraphic framework. This framework can be used to guide seismic interpretation and help establish the geological evolution of a basin. At the reservoir scale it aids with determination of reservoir architecture and zonation, and assessment of top seal and intra reservoir seals all of which are key to reservoir modelling and determination of hydrocarbon resource volumes. These workflows are equally applicable to carbon capture and storage projects.

What's involved?
- COLLATE and review legacy & new data to construct consistent stratigraphic framework (age intervals, biozones, lithostratigraphic units)
- RECOGNISE stratigraphic sequences by integration of seismic interpretation, well logs & biostratigraphy. Recognise and map flooding surfaces and unconformities.
- IDENTIFY reservoir pinchouts to aid definition of stratigraphic traps
- IDENTIFY & MAP distributions of reservoir, source rock and seal units
- ASSESS gross rock volume to define hydrocarbon resource volumes or CO2 storage capacity.
Merlin's Capability
Merlin has the expertise to provide fully integrated subsurface support.

- Internationally recognised expertise in biostratigraphy & sequence stratigraphy
- Extensive stratigraphic knowledge of many hydrocarbon provinces
- Integrated evaluations as part of muti-skilled subsurface team
- Cost effective and pragmatic assessments of legacy datasets

- Document management; regional studies, well stratigraphic reports, wireline logs, composite logs, well completion reports.
Merlin Partners & Associates
- Laboratory sample analysis to generate new biostratigraphic data sets where required
- Supplementary expertise in range of biostratigraphic disciplines