When you are decommissioning a well
A full understanding of the subsurface is key to the planning and execution of cost effective decommissioning and restoration activities.
Understanding the subsurface geology enables early identification of potential well integrity issues. This in turn helps optimise the placement of isolation plugs. In addition an understanding of regional geology can aid optimisation of multi-well abandonment operations.
We want to help you reduce operations time and cost without impacting safety.
What's involved?
- We are experienced in compiling and reviewing legacy documentation. Data from logs and field records provides an understanding of the subsurface and how it varies. Field data is analysed through time to fully evaluate dynamic changes.
- Cataloguing of fluid fingerprints in produced reservoirs and the surrounding stratigraphic column establishes all hydrocarbon producing formations.
- 3D Geological and rock property modelling allows subsurface fluid flow and sealing potential to be visualised.
- Optimisation of well abandonment design using the results of the above workflows.
- Following abandonment forensic geochemistry can be used to assess well and abandonment integrity.
Merlin's Capability
Merlin has the expertise to provide fully integrated subsurface support.
Optimisation of plug placement is achieved through interpretation of a rock property model. We can provide an understanding of flow zone and sealing lithology distribution and spatial distribution of pore pressure.
Merlin Datawise specialises in document management and knowledge capture of exploration studies, offset well data, field drilling data, well completion and workover documents, and production reports.
Merlin Partners & Associates
Overburden & underburden rock property analysis, reservoir & well engineering, geochemistry and geomechanics services support the workflow as required.