maximise the value of your paleogene assets
1155 WELLS available Now
The Bujak Database is an essential resource for all companies evaluating Paleogene plays in the North Sea/West of Shetland areas. It provides improved stratigraphic calibration for both hydrocarbon and energy transition projects.
The database features biostratigraphic, lithostratigraphic, sequence stratigraphic and chronostratigraphic data presented with consistent interpretations by Dr. Jonathan Bujak, an expert in this field. The database can be bought in its entirety or as bespoke subsets according to project needs.
For more background information on the evolution of the Paleogene, see Dr. Bujak’s technical blog post.
- Self-Contained Stratabugs Database file compatible with Stratbugs v3.0
- Stratabugs Export Files
- PDF plots of Stratabugs charts (examples below) for individual wells or correlations of selected wells plotted by depth, age or TWT (if TWT data are available)
- Reference wells including Paleogene discoveries and type sections with detailed biozones, bioevents and occurrence charts
- Excel files of interpreted picks
- Spreadsheets with available TWT plus oil and gas shows for selected reference wells
about the cOMPILER
Dr. Jonathan Bujak is a palynologist with 50 years experience. He has worked extensively on the North Sea and West of Shetland geology and biostratigraphy. Jonathan has published more than 100 papers including the definitive Paleogene biostratigraphic and sequence stratigraphic schemes for the northeast Atlantic, Hampshire Basin and eastern Canadian type sections.
Bujak Research International was founded in 1984 and rapidly became a premier international geological consultancy, specializing in the Americas, the Pacific-Bering Sea, the North Atlantic region and northwest Europe.
example deliverables
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